Here at Philglas & Swiggot we have created our loyalty program with exciting and exclusive rewards to say 'thank you' to our amazing customers. You can earn points both in any of our stores provide you supply your name and email at checkout and on all purchases online.
Earn 1 Point for every £1 you spend online and in-store to unlock exciting rewards.
Create an account: 25 points.
Refer a friend: 30 points.
Earn points to unlock our loyalty reward program vouchers.
£5 voucher - 200 Points to Unlock
£10 voucher - 300 Points to Unlock
£25 voucher - 600 Points to Unlock
How Do I Join Philglas & Swiggot Rewards Program?
Simply, create a customer account and you will automatically become part of our program.
How do I earn loyalty points?
Earn 1 point for every £1 you spend online or in-store*. Each time you spend, you will receive an email with your updated loyalty points balance. There are also plenty of other ways to earn loyalty points under the Earn tab of your loyalty profile, including reviewing a product and referring friends.
Use your loyalty points to redeem rewards or save them up to unlock even more exciting rewards.
*Excluding Quarterly Wine Club cases, any shipping fees, taxes and discounts applied.
How do I check my loyalty points balance and redeem rewards?
You can check your balance and rewards anytime by clicking 'Check Rewards' on our website. Each time you shop online, you will receive an email with your updated loyalty points balance. From here, you can click through to your loyalty profile, where you can redeem rewards. Alternatively ask any of our staff instore what your rewards balance is.
How do I use my rewards?
When you have enough points to unlock a reward, you'll be able to redeem it for a unique reward voucher. You can use your reward voucher during checkout either in-store or online. To redeem online just copy and paste your unique code into the Discount bar and click 'Apply'. To use instore, simply ask the staff to redeem an unlocked voucher. Note, you can only use one voucher code per order. [Or if you would like to use your reward in-store, just let one of our staff know at the counter].
Philglas & Swiggot reserves the right to modify or cancel vouchers at any time. Vouchers can only be redeemed once. If you redeem your voucher online for a purchase less than the full value of the voucher, the balance of the voucher is not redeemable on another purchase. If you return any of the items purchased with a voucher, the voucher discount or value may be subtracted from the return credit. Reward points are not applicable to online gift card purchases.